Survey of Men 20 vs. 50 years old pop culture, sex, opinions
I found this article in Esquire this month to be really neat. The basis is to ask and get opinions of 20 year old men and compare them to the answers and opinions of 50 year old men. Below is why they chose these two age groups. It's kind've like the generational gap on paper.
'Fact: Among the total population, there are more 50-year-olds in America right now than any other single-age group, and the second largest single-age group (not counting the stragglers around 50) is 20-year-olds. Fact: If you're looking at only the male population, there are more 20-year-olds in America right now than any other single-age group, and the second largest single-age group is — wait for it — 50-year-olds.* Fact: This is pretty cool, and after commissioning a nationwide survey of men born in 1960 and 1990, we learned just how far apart today's 20-year-olds and 50-year-olds are in their attitudes, expectations, and beliefs.' Below are some of the 50 questions asked.
3. Whom do you consider the coolest man in America?
Barack Obama 21% 14%George Clooney 12% 21%
Clint Eastwood 26% 55%
Robert Pattinson 3% 1%
LeBron James 20% 5%
Jack White 3% 1%
Justin Timberlake 9% 2%
Mike "the Situation" Sorrentino 6% 1%
17. You've got a big announcement to make to your close friends. What's your preferred method of communication?
Twitter 1% 0%Facebook 25% 8%
E-mail 4% 8%
Texting 24% 5%
Telephone 16% 30%
In person 31% 50%
18. How many times in the past two years have you cheated on your wife/girlfriend/significant other?
Zero 82% 92%Once 8% 3%
Two to four times 6% 2%
Five times or more 4% 3%
Below is Esquire's list of best health and maintenance products for men to use from lower cost to big spending items. I consider a cheat sheet when this stuff comes out each year. The Gillette warming scrub is legit by the way. If you buy the new Gillette Fusion razor it comes with a free sample. Enjoy

See the list of the best products for men according to Esquire