The business climate in social media has shifted. Before it was a come as you are all food provided shin dig for the masses and having users on your site spending time was enough to make theses networks feel like they threw a pretty good party. But all of a sudden as a result from new market entrants and pressure to convert users to get off the bench and spend online. the party has come to reflect more of a state dinner or fundraiser spewing out motivations to convince marketers they are making key additions and an atmosphere best to offer consumer insight. to spenders of money and not just time wasters. their has been a major shift in focus in the past month. I suspect soon the image will better reflect a gubernatorial or presidential fundraiser, with networks fighting to have the most influential users and more of a whos who. The future of social media is no longer FOR US but now includes us only in a strategy that involves making the media and information we share quantifiable for marketing while turning us into check out customers as opposed to passive opinionated stalkers. Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, Linked In, FourSquare and whatever other site I am missing have built their networks with volume in mind, but with pressure to perform they now are charged with who can make us the user most profitable. They are looking to leverage increasingly more savvy and aware users like Google+ has with techies and early adopters of new technology plays in their favor. Remember the most appealing feature of Facebook initially was that it was exclusive to college students. Assumed to be more educated and most importantly eventually bigger salaried customers (also assumed) all together in one space with preferences displayed for all to see and analyze. It was looked at by marketers as a virtual ant farm for highest earning potential and most influential consumers. Facebook had an immense amount of leverage.
Each network is doing their best to square away their niche and their place amongst marketers. As certain users online influence grows I see companies catering toward or even paying popular users to test or share online items and opinions of products and services in a very "coolest kid in class" type attempt to penetrate influence on a community based level amongst desired groups. The rapid pace of change for the social media scene has just begun and I see no signs of it slowing. Below is an article on how Facebook now acknowledged by the Nielsen ratings company responsible for marketing data and Television rankings is being adopted as a legitimate measure for marketers now. This battle isn't for users it over users. Stay tuned at sites like Mashable referenced in the below article for the latest.

Facebook vs. Twitter vs. Google+ via Mashable

Fast Company article on Nielsen & Facebook
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