The picture above best represents the picture stained into the back of my mind since last weekend when
I helped my aunt move into an assisted living home. I have a feeling this may come across as corny or minimal but since I can't shake it I'll share it. There was an elderly couple resting together on a bench in the hallway.The man considerably in much better shape than his counterpart seemed to be putting on his best patient face. Standing from time to time the way one does if concerned about getting stiff joints, and becoming more and more restless with each passing moment. The woman he was with was not in as good of health and seemed to enjoy this pause considerably more. She set on the small bench with relief in her eyes as the bench and the cane she gripped both absorbed her fatigue. She was in no hurry to get up anytime soon and you could tell while the gentlemen remained almost antsy while waiting patiently to get wherever they were headed. After a small while the woman took a large breath, the way you do when you dread the inevitable, which was in this case the momentous task of peeling herself off of that beloved bench. With careful consideration and patience for his elderly counterpart the gentlemen assisted his partner after what I believed to be a stirring pep talk down the hall and to the elevator at the pace she set. This was not an easy task for her because by visual account it seemed 40% of her weight was invested in the canes assistance, another 40% in her exhausted legs and the last 20% invested in the gentlemen's frail strength. And that was the last I saw of them but it got me thinking how selfless the two of them were, particularly the gentlemen. We as more capable, independent and less selfless people so often in relationships seek agendas that earn sex,shopping trips, future permission for activities etc. Sometimes consciously and sometimes not. Most likely because of where the two of them are in their lives these two emotionally and physically leaned on each other in such a platonic and organic selfless way you could feel it. They not only needed each other but what stood out most to me was the gentlemen took pride in being there for his counterpart with the promise of nothing in return. What I'll never know is if this couple had been married for 50+ years or simply friends. But I like to think that after years of spending time together and fighting through life's distractions they have come to a point where all they have is each others whole hearted affection for being there for one another in whatever capacity they could muster. Slowed me down.