In the blog description I mentioned that I considered myself to be an orange and the above photo is why I came to this conclusion. After a series of assessments at a leadership academy I attended in Chicago with my company The William Wrigley Jr. Company the gum and candy company. After a week full of projects and surveys taken by both myself and my peers answering questions about me, I received 2 booklets detailing my strengths weakness and habits. The picture above of the dart board type chart was a page from a booklet 25 pages long dedicated to my growth and development and I swear after reading the assessment of myself I'm convinced the company has been stalking me since BIRTH! It was both great and agitating to read essentially what makes me, me. It great detail t went over how I act in social settings vs. my actions at home and how I am in certain arenas and when met with challenges and it was as the English say "spot on!"Anyway what I learned from that week and from that assessment was to embrace my weakness and use my strengths. Be aware of what keeps me from success at any level and do not allow it to hold me back. It left me more secure with myself than I ever have been. Wrigley's has given this assessment to many of the executives at the company and what it has done for both them, myself and my peers has created a culture of asking"what color are you?" People where it like a badge, a new identity, a fly new sweater.
A few weeks after that class I received the second above picture in my email inbox. A pair of orange cuff links! I bought a few things from this site as long as 4 years ago and out of the blue I receive an email from them. I haven't bought the cuff links yet but I will because I like things around me that derive meaning. I'll post a link to the assessment I took so that maybe your company can add its HR Department and maybe so you can tout your COLOR . I believe receiving that email was no accident but my fly new sweater in the form of orange cuff links.
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